New technologies and advanced digitalization can bring significant value to traditionally siloed construction processes. As a pioneer in Modular interior construction, Clestra has embraced digital innovation to remain at the forefront of the industry’s transformation. We naturally adopted the principles of BIM to increase your project’s efficiency, improve transparency and optimize our Value Chain.

Reduce uncertainties

Glass shouldn’t be the only transparent element in your project. Most of workspace interior projects exceed initial budgets and schedules due to silos and lack of collaboration between all trades. Up to 30% of additional hidden costs and fees can stack up at the end of the process. Clestra makes all its solutions available as BIM-enabled models, to ensure a smooth integration with every other stakeholders.

Continuous improvement

Modular prefabricated construction, when paired with rigorous digital processes, will unlock even more benefits and efficiency gains. Beyond onsite efficiency, Clestra continuously improves its Value Chain by standardizing processes and shortening response time. From packaging optimization to factory digitalization, we leverage technologies and innovations to constantly reduce our environmental footprint.

Configurator of adaptable spaces

Experience advanced flexibility

We developed an online tool to experience Modular workspace construction. Upload your layout plan or simply draw your own layout and follow the steps:

BIM Optimization

Better planning for better buildings

Our Modular construction systems are all BIM-enabled. Each model is available online to download and integrate into a BIM prototype with several levels of details. Information is accessible by all stakeholders working on the project to ensure smooth collaboration and facilitate each model’s modifications. Thanks to BIM-enhanced processes, your spaces become flexible even before being shipped out of our factories.

What if you chose a circular interior fit-out?Hybrid workspaces?agile workspaces?consistent acoustic performance?
Et si vous choisissiez
des aménagements circulaires ?